Pentesting for Third Party Risk 

Penetration testing for merger & acquisitions and third party vendors

Reduce risk to third party partners and M&A targets

An estimated 82% of CIOs believe their software supply chain is vulnerable (Venafi, 2022). The reality is that their attack surface is your attack surface. The implications of not conducting due diligence are serious. An unknown data breach could impact the value of an acquisition, or an exploitable vulnerability in a supplier could lead to loss of intellectual property, or damage your brand. It’s better to know what you don’t know.


The Benefits of Security Testing with Synack

Vulnerability Management

Discover, validate, re-test, and track remediation of vulnerabilities in a single platform.

Easy On-Demand Testing

Choose from a variety of testing methodologies (OWASP, NIST, Open Vulnerability Discovery) and launch tests at the click of a button.

Third Party Risk Visibility

Synack provides a risk score across all assets and assessments. Get an offensive perspective on which third parties are susceptible to attack.

Synack provides a strategic option for third party risk assessments


Penetration Testing

Pentesting for Third Party Risk

Continuous pentesting solutions can keep up with modern software and infrastructure changes. Additionally, Synack offers rigorous point-in-time penetrating to meet internal and external compliance objectives. Synack can conduct testing on-demand for mobile, API, web, and host assets.


Attacker Resistance Score

Synack Attack Resistance Score

The Attacker Resistance Score stack ranks your assets and assessments by their resistance to attack. You can use the ARS data to see what third party assets need immediate attention and prioritize remediation. You can also see how their risk scores improve or decline overtime.


A Single View of All Assessments

Synack All Assessments View

The Assessments Tab shows any active, scheduled, or past assessment instantly. You can use this historical data to pull reports on third party providers or potential M&A targets. You can share specific assessments with authorized third party developers and security personnel, so they can remediate the vulnerabilities and reduce risk.

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Additional Resources

The Guide to Strategic Security Testing

M&A and Third Party Risk Overview

Synack Overview